IDF Eurasia ranked first in the most media oriented MFIs rating

IDF Eurasia ranked first in the most media oriented MFIs rating

Moneyman (IDF Eurasia Group) ranked first according to service’s survey dedicated to the most media oriented microfinance institutions rating in the first half of 2020*.

50% of the rating participants among the TOP 10 companies have a coefficient above 1. This means that their daily activity level in the media is recorded by their own publications, as well as mentions in mass media and third-party resources.

As it is noted in the survey results, Moneyman is substantially leading in activity level of its press relations service and mentions in Google (mentions, news feed and search). The company takes the top rating line with a coefficient of 2.74 (1 point ahead from the nearest competitor). As for Yandex search engine, the frequency of publication was one material per two days.**

Irina Khoroshko, CEO of IDF Eurasia in Russia:

“We do give a lot of attention to our presence in the public information field, and we have especially increased our activity level since the beginning of pandemic and crisis. Since this is the first time that everyone has encountered this situation, it generates a huge amount of information and material for various studies on the sector, behavior of borrowers, and so on. It is worth noting that the company’s broad presence in the media space is also due to its presence in the markets of 5 other countries besides Russia. Of course, here we thank our press related service, which works out all of the above in a timely manner and to the fullest extent possible.»

* The period does not actually take into account the last 2 weeks of June. According to authors of the survey, participants will not be able to achieve significant changes in the rating during this time period.

** Any type of publication was taken into account when calculating the rating: article, comment from a company representative, interview, description of services, etc.